CEBIT - Der Webshop Prototyp

Dieses Paket dient als Umgebung zur Integration und zum Test neuer Features des Identitätsmanagers [IDMAN]. Es basiert auf einem Webserver [Jigsaw] der sowohl als Server als auch als Proxy Verwendung findet.


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Benötigte Bibliotheken

Die Datei (ca. 6,4MB) enthält alle für die Identitätmanagement-Tools benötigten Bibliotheken.

You have to use Jigsaws JigAdmin to configure the Frames on your own. This is done for the server by the following steps:

  1. within webshop create a resource called SecInfoFrame of the type
  2. add the org.w3c.jigsaw.frames.SecInfoFrame to it
  3. within webshop create the resource ShopFrame of the type
  4. add the org.w3c.jigsaw.frames.ShopFrame to it

Note: this may change in future versions as the shop is ported to servlets.

For the proxy you need to:

  1. within root create a resource called proxy of the type
  2. add the org.w3c.jigsaw.proxy.IDMProxyFrame to proxy
  3. add a org.w3c.jigsaw.auth.GenericAuthFilter to the IDMProxyFrame
  4. within root create a resource called role of the type
  5. add the org.w3c.jigsaw.frames.RoleFrame to role
  6. add a org.w3c.jigsaw.auth.GenericAuthFilter to the RoleFrame
  7. switch to Realm and create the Realm Role
  8. create the users "Anonym", "Surfen" and "Einkauf" with their names as their passwords (commit every change)
  9. edit the two GenericAuthFilters and select Role as their realm (commit) and add the three users
  10. specify in Properties/general proxy as new root for this server
  11. for the three proxy users create the corresponding mozilla profiles, point their proxy entries to host localhost port 8004


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