Package idman.p3p.element

Class Summary
AccessElement The ACCESS element indicates whether the site provides access to various kinds of information.
CategoryElement Represent a category or category-variable.
DataDefElement Definition of data elements with optional structure.
DataElement Describes the data to be transferred or inferred.
DataGroupElement Describes the data to be transferred or inferred.
DataSchemaElement A data schema is a description of a set of data.
DataStructElement Data structures are reusable structured type definitions that can be used to build data elements.
EntityElement The ENTITY element gives a precise description of the legal entity making the representation of the privacy practices.
ExpireElement The EXPIRY element can be used in a policy reference file and/or in a POLICIES element to state how long the policy reference file (or policies) remains valid.
ExtensionElement Describes an extension to the syntax.
PoliciesElement The POLICIES element gathers one or more P3P policies together in a single file.
PolicyElement The POLICY element contains a complete P3P policy.
PurposeElement Each STATEMENT element that does not include a NON-IDENTIFIABLE element MUST contain a PURPOSE element that contains one or more purposes of data collection or uses of data.
RecipientElement Each STATEMENT element that does not include a NON-IDENTIFIABLE element MUST contain a RECIPIENT element that contains one or more recipients of the collected data.
RetentionElement Each STATEMENT element that does not include a NON-IDENTIFIABLE element MUST contain a RETENTION element that indicates the kind of retention policy that applies to the data referenced in that statement.
StatementElement The STATEMENT element is a container that groups together a PURPOSE element, a RECIPIENT element, a RETENTION element, a DATA-GROUP element, and optionally a CONSEQUENCE element and one or more extensions.

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